What a lovely picture of a swollen belly. This is what happens to me at times. Yes, that is my j-tube, this is not a picture perfect shot. But I felt it necessary to take, so that others who deal with similar circumstances won't feel so alone. Once you have had a child everybody and their brother has already seen EVERYTHING one has to offer anyway. Pancreatitis is what it is and if this embrassing picture helps one person then so be it.
These past two weeks have been trying. Everything I have attempted to do has been a huge hassel. If I make it to MN in one piece it will be a gift from God. There have been several times I have thought about going to the hosptial, pain control is not working. I have come to the conclusion that the only thing that will help, is removing these disease organs. 2 weeks from today it will already be a done deal, thumpy will be out, and then the recouperation period will start. I worry about pain control with the surgery as I am soo very opoid tolerant. After 10 years who wouldn't be. I just have to keep the faith that God will see me through. I have not been the good Christian that I should be these last few weeks, and I am hoping that God will look beyond my humaness and see my suffering. My heart is true in my efforts to help people with this disease. I guess I just need to spend more time reading my Bible and give it up to him. I keep too much inside myself, and keep myself too stressed. If any of you from the boards are reading this, I think of you all so often and wish for ALL of us that this could be so different then what it is. God bless and no that you are all always in my thoughts. Especially you Sandy, Susan, Celeste just to name a few that come to the top of my head. I am very painful now and must go sit on my homedics back massager and put the heating pad to my aching pancreas. Keep those chins up, someday this will all be over. We will have new bodies, perfect and without defect.