Lisa's pancreatitis journey

Chronicling the life of a person impending apon life altering surgery. Removal of a pancreas and other major organs and how it affects pain levels after.

Location: Richmond, Indiana, United States

I am a wife and a mom. I have 2 cat children that I adore. I suffered for 10 years with chronic pancreatitis. I suffered horribly, no one should have to live I like I did.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Jan 17,2007

I am sorry I haven't been able to up date the blog lately. I was doing quite well until last week. I was to have outpatient labs done for hemoglobin A1c to determine long term blood sugars and a c peptide all of this for my insulin pump ( that I am suppose to be getting). I was sitting at the desk of the outpatient registration lady when I felt as though I had gotten kicked in the chest. I had felt these little pains before, but this one lingered. I went to sit down as the lady said " we are done wait for them to call your name". I went to sit down and could hear myself moaning. I thought this sucks having to be NPO prior. I kept thinking once I get something to eat this will to away. In my mind I kept thinking " whimp not the same girl who could go days without eatting". I thought a few times call someone and have them take you home but knowing my husband had a funeral home visit in the evening and that would make him have to get someone to bring him to the hospital to get the vehicle I left I decided I would tough it out and go home. Once home I took off my clothes, ate and went to bed. I had so much to do prior that I had drawn up my insulin and had it in my glucometer and was going to give it after I ate. I put the heating pad up as high as it would go, as long as I didn't move it didn't hurt too bad. I was soo exhausted. The next day it didn't hurt if I didn't move, I knew something was wrong. I called and made a Drs. appointment. I saw my pcp who thought that I had just done too much. I really haven't done anything except maybe laundry and cook, do dishes. I haven't had the stamina to do anything real heavy or hard for that much. He wrote orders for labs and ultrasound. I had the labs done last Thursday and have to wait until tomorrow for the ultrasound. I recieved a call last Friday from the nurse, stating that my liver enzymes were high, specifically I think spgt. I didn't have anything to write on and frankly didn't feel like getting up to write it down. The exhaustion from elevated liver enzymes is awful. I have talked with a few people who have liver problems and one lady said " it sucks, when my enzymes are high, it is about all I can do to get out of bed" I soo believe her. When I first came home from MN and had my first pcp visit he ordered labs and my liver enzymes were elevated then. I wrote Dr. Sutherland and told him and he said they were elevated when I was released about 10 days prior to the first elevation. I know that the elevation had went down they were checked when I had my ileus, soo I don't have an answer. I haven't done much today, no energy. Well I just thought I would post. I wouldn't want my faithful followers to think that I am having fun. Althought I will say I have been sewing a little and am about to finish a nightgown for myself. I have been playing with my not so new embroidery machine that my dh got for me 2 Christmas' ago. I have to sew in the basement as my 2 young cats are into everything and I don't even want to think about them into my needles and sewing stuff. The basement is rather cold this time of year, so I sew when it is warm and the weather is yucky. In the spring and summer I hate being couped up in the dungeon of the basement. Someday I will have a room to sew in, thinking I will take over dd room when she moves out ( someday) I think she is here forever. No matter what the surgery was still worth it, no matter what when ever I do have a good day it is because I had my pancreas removed. With thumpy in I wouldn't be able to eat and would be miserable 24/7 so with that said the surgery was worth it.


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