Lisa's pancreatitis journey

Chronicling the life of a person impending apon life altering surgery. Removal of a pancreas and other major organs and how it affects pain levels after.

Location: Richmond, Indiana, United States

I am a wife and a mom. I have 2 cat children that I adore. I suffered for 10 years with chronic pancreatitis. I suffered horribly, no one should have to live I like I did.

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Hi all I found this picture on my husbands laptop. I remember him taking these pictures, I forbid him to post it until after I came home I knew my daughter or my mother had not seen this and if they happened on to it they would be upset. I told my husband that people would see this and say " Does this woman have any shame"? I put these most embrassing pictures on here, not for people to say " my what a big belly" or " gee she sure has alot of strech marks" but for those who have not had the surgery and wonder what the post op incision looks like, so here it is, 2 days post op, and for those who are so analytical there are 38 staples on the wound. The staples were removed prior to my discharge and steri- strips were applied and lasted about 10 days before they feel off. I wanted to post that in the past 3-4 days I have been having some very familiar pains, they feel somewhat like pancreas pains. I have had to increase my oral pain meds again, and will speak with my pcp on Monday, I have an appointment on Tues. for my pump to be decreased again and I think I will cancel that appointment and let them take it down again when I go for my refill. I will try again, but I wanted to post that I am having some pain orgin unknown.


Blogger Jerry and Celeste said...

WOW you got better pictures than Jerry did! and you have the opposite belly button ring! lol his wove around to the left. did you keep your staples? hehe we almost did. I hope you are feeling better and better!

12:23 AM  

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