July 14, 2006
Not much going on around here. I have been up since before 5am the usual. Wake up in pain, and try to get it controlled. At least now I have my medication. I was due to have the j-tube changed next week which I thought was a waste of money. So I talked with the radiologist that put it in and he agreed. So the j-tube will stay until surgery. Dr. Sutherland I believe said they would put a different tube in. He said I will have trouble eatting in the beginning so we should probably keep one in there.
I think I am going to sew today. There is only so much one can do at home, and besides there are 2 other adults here. They can do dishes also. I love to sew, usually never feel like it and it takes more than half an hour or an hour to get anything accomplished. I just get my feet wet with an hour and then I get upset. When you don't sew frequently you forget how the machine works and by the time you re orient your self it is time to close up shop.
Once I have recouped from my surgery, I have been thinking about vocational rehab. I hate being at home. I don't know that nursing is in my future, only God know's that one. I will want to return to work, I know that for sure. I liked working, it does something to and for the mind to be productive, or at least feel we are being productive. Sickness and illness occur, but I am not to thrilled about being a Social Security reciever my whole life. I have worked, so feel that I was eligible, but when or if I can return to work I most definitely will work. I need that sense of accomplishment.
Pancreatitis, shows it's ulgy head at the most aweful times. Stress makes it worse, and it has been a stressful week. I do have some good news a friend I met from a board had her tp/ict and was in and out of the hospital in 9 days including discharge day. I think that is pretty awesome.
I am being to have fear of the unknown, but I know I have no choice. I am an only child, and invert in times of stress. I am unique, I can entertain myself and am happy with that. I do realize that the closer the time gets the less I have to say to people. Just me, I am a strange one. I just want it done and over. My birthday is August 3 and I will be 40 this year. I have tried not to celebrate a birthday for a long time, mostly I was just plainly too sick and didn't care. It was just another day of misery. I have birth defects of the pancreas, so for me it was like ok lets celebrate everything that went wrong, somewhere during fetal developement.
It will soon be time to celebrate life without thumpy (our name for my pancreas) my husband can actually put his hand on my abdomen and feel it move. He is a surgical nurse and no it is not the bowel moving, it is the pancreas, it feels like it is trying to push it's way out. Yes, I have thoughts of the "Alien" movie many times. I think next year instead of birthdays we will celebrate my surgical anniversary or liberation day for me.
Still no word for our local newspaper, I didn't think they would pick up the story. I said I am nobody important in this town. That is what is all about, if my family were rich and had donated money to some city event or to the latest cause in town then it would be plastered everywhere. So those people in Richmond, that have pancreatitis will never know that there is a place that can help them. Well off to sew.
Not much going on around here. I have been up since before 5am the usual. Wake up in pain, and try to get it controlled. At least now I have my medication. I was due to have the j-tube changed next week which I thought was a waste of money. So I talked with the radiologist that put it in and he agreed. So the j-tube will stay until surgery. Dr. Sutherland I believe said they would put a different tube in. He said I will have trouble eatting in the beginning so we should probably keep one in there.
I think I am going to sew today. There is only so much one can do at home, and besides there are 2 other adults here. They can do dishes also. I love to sew, usually never feel like it and it takes more than half an hour or an hour to get anything accomplished. I just get my feet wet with an hour and then I get upset. When you don't sew frequently you forget how the machine works and by the time you re orient your self it is time to close up shop.
Once I have recouped from my surgery, I have been thinking about vocational rehab. I hate being at home. I don't know that nursing is in my future, only God know's that one. I will want to return to work, I know that for sure. I liked working, it does something to and for the mind to be productive, or at least feel we are being productive. Sickness and illness occur, but I am not to thrilled about being a Social Security reciever my whole life. I have worked, so feel that I was eligible, but when or if I can return to work I most definitely will work. I need that sense of accomplishment.
Pancreatitis, shows it's ulgy head at the most aweful times. Stress makes it worse, and it has been a stressful week. I do have some good news a friend I met from a board had her tp/ict and was in and out of the hospital in 9 days including discharge day. I think that is pretty awesome.
I am being to have fear of the unknown, but I know I have no choice. I am an only child, and invert in times of stress. I am unique, I can entertain myself and am happy with that. I do realize that the closer the time gets the less I have to say to people. Just me, I am a strange one. I just want it done and over. My birthday is August 3 and I will be 40 this year. I have tried not to celebrate a birthday for a long time, mostly I was just plainly too sick and didn't care. It was just another day of misery. I have birth defects of the pancreas, so for me it was like ok lets celebrate everything that went wrong, somewhere during fetal developement.
It will soon be time to celebrate life without thumpy (our name for my pancreas) my husband can actually put his hand on my abdomen and feel it move. He is a surgical nurse and no it is not the bowel moving, it is the pancreas, it feels like it is trying to push it's way out. Yes, I have thoughts of the "Alien" movie many times. I think next year instead of birthdays we will celebrate my surgical anniversary or liberation day for me.
Still no word for our local newspaper, I didn't think they would pick up the story. I said I am nobody important in this town. That is what is all about, if my family were rich and had donated money to some city event or to the latest cause in town then it would be plastered everywhere. So those people in Richmond, that have pancreatitis will never know that there is a place that can help them. Well off to sew.
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