Hello everyone. Lisa wanted everyone to know that she will be released to a hotel tomorrow sometime. She is still unable to eat much of anything and to drink something is a real chore, but they feel she is ready to be discharged. She will be staying at the Radisson for a couple of days and then fly home Wednesday evening. I will pick her up at the airport.
She had to go the the pharmacy to get her glucometer for her diabetic teaching tomorrow. When she got down there to the pharmacy she discovered that they needed to see her ID and insurance card. Because she had been concerned that someone would steal the wallet out of her purse with her money, she had had the security guard lock it up in the safe. Before he took it, he had her fill out a paper that listed everything that was in it and fill our her name and information. When she called to have them get her stuff for her it took six hours for them to return with it. They had put someone else's name on her wallet. Can you believe that? They had to verify that it was hers, probably by the driver's license..... Brainiacs. When she got back to the pharmacy, she gave them her insurance card and they would not accept it. Lisa told the woman that she had a contract with our insurance company and it didn't matter. Lisa had to sign a paper saying that she would repay the hospital for it and it came to $300. When she got to her room, she discovered there were no test strips in the box and she will have to buy them separately. What a joke. She thinks that Dr. Sutherland and his team was great, the nursing staff needs improvement and they system needs an overhaul. I could lie to you, folks, but that would be doing you a disservice. Shortly she will be out of there and home, and the real recouperation will begin.
God is always faithful, and through this He has shown us his mercy and grace. He is sustaining us without fail.