Nurse Kerri taking a health history.

September 20, 2006
We had to be at the transplant building at 8am today and Lisa does not do early appointments well at all. We arrived at the office at 0803 for our appointment with Sutherland and to get what ever lab draws and preop testing they wanted out of the way. While I went off to get a couple pictures, she checked in with the lady at the desk. When I get back Lisa was mad. They told her that her preop appointment was for next Wednesday. Lisa said she about deficated in her drawers. She got angry and told the woman she was going to have surgery THIS Friday and that her appointment for preop IS today and not next week. The woman at the clinic said that her surgery was definately scheduled for September 22, but that her appointment for the preop interview is scheduled for September 27th. Tell me she wasn't sipping from a hip flask. They worked us in...imagine that. Kerri got Lisa's vital signs and shuttled us into the same room we were in two months ago, and we waited for 1.5 hours for the resident doctor to come to see us. Dr. Carlson was very nice. I kind of think he was stalling until Dr. Sutherland got there, but that was ok.
When Dr. Sutherland arrived, he went over all the usual and customary warnings and patient education stuff. When Dr. Sutherland was finished, he left and the resident went over some of the same material, but he had to fill out his part of the paperwork. He said that he would be taking care of Lisa on the floor for part of the day. When he was finished Kerri came in and told us to wait in the waiting room for lab work. Dr. Carlson forgot to tell us where to go or when to be there the day of surgery. Kerri did her best, but she usually works GI preop. Lisa had some blood drawn and gave a urine sample (her own). Kerri told us when to be at what building on Friday but forgot to give us the soap she is was to bathe with on Thursday night and Friday morning. We had to remind her when we were on our way out. When we got back to the hotel, it was 4.5 hours about not getting in a hurry. We received a call from Sutherlands office about 2 hours later telling us Lisa needed to return for a chest xray, because it was forgotten. We negotiated and we will be there tomorrow at noon. Her surgery is scheduled for Friday at 0800. We have to be there at 0600.
We went to the Mall of America. Someone in Minneapolis is making money for all those stores to remain open. We rode the merrigoround. When we got married in 1999 in Tennessee, we went to Dollywood and we rode the merrygoround. My favorite picture of that day was Lisa riding a goat, so I had to get one today of her riding another goat. We laughed and laughed. The ride for the two of us came to $4.80, but it was worth it.
WOW!! talk, about making you nervous they had all their times and everything messed up. i bet when Lisa called them on their error it set nerves in motion! and im sure youre right that the other doc was waiting for sutherland to show first lol. You are right hes not a chit chatter. he knows his stuff and gets to the point. BUSY BUSY MAN. But he is very nice and has a wonderous bedside manner (when you see him LOL) he does keep updated and he does stop in (i think 4 times in our stay) but he has trust in his assoc. that are helping him. Never fear youll be in good hands. JUST make sure that you see anyone who comes in room use that sanitizer on the wall im talking even the tech who takes vitals!! jerry left there with MRSA and we all nearly (messed our drawers to find out it was MRSA!!) but it was an isolated spot and meds/daily prep took care of it. How did you all like the MOA?(mall) i noticed same stores on each floor! lol. Sorry they were so disorganized and you will have to go back for the chest xray. did you also get the COLON BLOW? (magnesium citrate?)they gave jerry prescriptions that he got filled right there at that pharmacy in his waiting room area. Well i have to run to work. iwill be eagerly watching your posts! hang in there.. if you want you can email me at w/cell #, and i can give you a buzz while you are waiting surgery, although i think you cant have cell in hosp on?. That might not work. but just know WE have the ultimate confidence in those docs.. OHHH also during surgery they will give you a beeper.. you can roam hosp (although i didnt move from the wait area) they will call several times FROM the surgical room to update you. i didnt want to miss anything. then dr S will come out and talk to you too! wait til he tells you the condition of her Panc!! jerrys always read normal on all scans/tests.. dr s said it was small and atrophied.. hmm normal my big.. uh foot! anyhow.. running late.. always know YOU and Lisa are on our minds!! (jerrys surgery was that early too!) he ended up in his own room at nearly 9pm! its a grueling day for all involved!
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