Lisa's pancreatitis journey

Chronicling the life of a person impending apon life altering surgery. Removal of a pancreas and other major organs and how it affects pain levels after.

Location: Richmond, Indiana, United States

I am a wife and a mom. I have 2 cat children that I adore. I suffered for 10 years with chronic pancreatitis. I suffered horribly, no one should have to live I like I did.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Not much to report. She is doing ok. She is missed very much by me, and although I am sitting a hotel room, my heart is a couple of blocks away. I only saw her three times today, for probably less than 10 minutes. I know that might seem a bit dramatic, but she is my baby. I will be so glad when she gets to feeling better. Today I was thinking about her and I remembered when she spoke with the human resource lady and got the approval this last time. She was so happy, and she was jumping up and down (relatively speaking) and crying. Then I pictured her today in the hospital and was struck by the contrast between the two extremes. I know that this pain she is having now is only temporary.

A Letter to Thump (the pancreas):
You have tormented my wife for the last time. I have many memories of the hell you put my wife through. You tried to control how my wife would live, and you tried to steal her joy, but you failed. Her joy comes from her savior, not from a state free from pain. The Apostle Paul had an affliction, but his joy was in Christ Jesus. Somewhere right now, you are a vapor in the wind, void of power and control. No matter what pain Lisa would have from Friday forward will not be pancreatitis. We have fought this fight for many years and the battle is over. You lose.


Blogger Jerry and Celeste said...

AMEN to letter to thumpy! Watching and praying still. OH and my gf who now works with the other 4 of us also has her church praying and even her 12 year old son came in and said he was praying for the lady who had her guts taken out! LOL! So someplace in FLA shes got a WHOLE spanish congregation praying for her too! My gf, wanted me to go to church w/her tomorrow but id feel like a stinkweed in the middle of the rose garden! I wouldnt understand a word spoken. But im sure the sentiment and feeling would be there. Hang in there Lisa, better days are a coming !!

3:14 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Good bye Thumpy
We sure won't miss you!
The road you paved was lumpy
No tears for you nor tissue!

For we are all celebrating
We're dancing and singing
While you are incinerating
No more pain you'll be bringing!

And Lord for your healing hand
We offer prayers of thanks.
We're so happy over all the land
'Cuz thumpy lost his pranks!

God bless and stay well,

4:16 PM  

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