Here is a picture of our male cat. Our daughter, Ashley, put eye makeup on him. I laughed so hard, I about cried. Poor cat (LOL).
I spoke with Lisa this Wednesday evening. She said they are going to pull her nasogastric tube tomorrow. I am sure she will be glad to have that one out. She was saying that she sure was glad she had it in, which surprized me. She threw up once today. She said she was a little sick to her stomach, and she said it hurt like heck. It was bile. She is getting up to the bathroom by herself, but it is a process that takes a lot of energy. She always complains that I try to converse with her as if she is feeling 100%, and she reminds me that she is not yet there.
Because very few people leave comments on her blog, she doesn't really know how many people are following her progress. She says she hopes it helps, and that if it helps one person, than it was worth it.
Hi Michael and especially Lisa!
Ha-ha, Lumpy! No one ever has to say hi to you ever again! I am so glad and happy for Lisa!
I love your little kitty's eye makeup! Very clever!
I have been watching your blog for any and all info! Thank you, Michael!
God bless and stay well,
We too are following along and others too, I think some are shy to type on here. but thats OK there are always lurkers who we hope are getting the help and info they need! GO LISA! hehe love the cats gothic look! or is that allergy rings?
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