Lisa's pancreatitis journey

Chronicling the life of a person impending apon life altering surgery. Removal of a pancreas and other major organs and how it affects pain levels after.

Location: Richmond, Indiana, United States

I am a wife and a mom. I have 2 cat children that I adore. I suffered for 10 years with chronic pancreatitis. I suffered horribly, no one should have to live I like I did.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

February 6, 2007

I find myself remembering what pancreatitis was like. All of those long very long years of sickness...... sickness that is now gone. How did this get here..... It is as though I woke up one day and the pain was gone.... THANK GOD the pain is gone..... The pain that I thought was my liver was actually my colon. I have discovered that I have to be very diligent about bowel habits or I get another ileus. I have not had ileus in over a week, I believe I had a chronic ileus there for a few months and I would be symptomatic at least weekly. Since my new discovery I have been able to decrease my oral pain medication intake, and there have been days that I have had to take no oral meds. I think I went 3 days and took 1.5 pills which is wonderful for me. I have always said " if it doesn't hurt then I am not taking anything for it."
This is the life that I dreamed of...... it is finally here. How I long for warm sunny skies to bask in. To be able to dig in the dirt and smell that sweet fragrance of spring. I can't wait.... some how we pick up where we left off at.... to bad I am not going on 31.... I got sick when I was 30..... who would dream that a person would have to wait 10 agonizing years to feel better...... I wasted alot of time on pancreatitis but the information that I needed just wasn't there. Who knows if I had went to MN back then they might not have known what to do for me..... I did have a surgeon at IU Med Center who wanted to do surgery on me... all he could say was how bad I would feel after.... and what a rough surgery it would be.... nothing postitive.... thanks but no thanks.... by the time I had gotten so sick I was ready he had retired and I had to wait... 3 years to find Dr. Sutherland.
Now plans for the future happen. Meetings are going to take place. Meeting people who have help my hand that went through surgery before me, friends that have been made through time and space... the internet.... educational goals are high on my priority list.... returning to work as a nurse someday.... that in it's self would dream of all dreams.... I remember going to sleep on
9-22-06 singing a song in my head....Jesus you are the savior of my soul...... and forever and ever I'll give my praises to you...... Jesus you are the.... you just never know where God will lead.... listen to that still calm voice....
Someday I will get my husband to take my picture to post on here. I am quite skinny now as I have lost an addtional 25 plus pounds since surgery. I have fought the good fight the weight will return in time.